hopscotch productions and his cast of players land on the roof of the circle of arts. We saw a preview in about a year zamora. laugh to mourn but mostly cry. they say laughter and the tears that are reactions to unexpected situations. and here the unexpected was that we got to Chekhov in vein. and in the garden cherry we open the veins with the blade so that those liubva genre scenes scroll through them. see the times of Viñaspre Marta Ruiz whose blood this time is mine or vice versa, in this paper Liubva Andreyevna, surprised to discover that he lived contemporary Chekhovian in that time, took me more beautiful. Candidates last year's MAX Awards (World ) Hopscotch Productions chooses intense this year with another production, Dogville prize. Another major show where actors and actresses of equal size unfold on the stage as if not aware of other worlds beyond those tables. Dogville
Humanizing drama "Chekhovian" is unavoidably face with tenderness, love and a smile, the misfortunes and vicissitudes of the characters. Not in vain Chekhov described "The Cherry Orchard " as a comedy, in an attempt to dramatize a crisis situation, both economically and emotionally. From this approach we propose a staging located in the present, with a work based on a formal update of the records involved expressive of our company. A proposal stage in which we propose the collision between Chekhov's text (written shortly before death) and contemporary approach that characterizes the work of Rayuela.
Andreievna Liuba, just ruined landowner, returns to the family home, the "Cherry Orchard," the place where he lived as a child and now will be discarded. The loss will be built new lives of those whose destinies have always been linked to the Garden. Gone are the memories, old jobs, affects ... A world of hope and new opportunities will emerge from the misery of the crisis (Hopscotch Productions )
upload a photo slideshow Marta Vidanes (recommend full-screen view)
Starting tomorrow April 26 to April 30 its cherry trees planted this garden in one of the scenarios Circle of Fine Arts in Scene Circle (Madrid) we can again enjoy. To purchase tickets in telentrada . Do not let go.
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