FUNCTIONS CHART 4 \u200b\u200bº ESO piecewise functions
The network numerous computer programs to represent functions. Some are extra software (with demos to try for a while) and others are free to the philosophy 2.0. Searching the net I found some interest to your level. Mainly emphasize Graph 4.3, you can download it free by clicking HERE . This program has a simple and herremientas environment are quite clear, we can represent functions 'in pieces'. (Remember to square stands the symbol ^.) This is the program I used in the representation of the function 'To bits' that exist in the previous blog entry. Another very affordable option is to use the online calculator WIRIS , in addition to solving equations, systems of equations ... also plotted functions. I hope you find them useful tools!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Littlest Pet Shops Clip Art
a Chekhov in the art circle
hopscotch productions and his cast of players land on the roof of the circle of arts. We saw a preview in about a year zamora. laugh to mourn but mostly cry. they say laughter and the tears that are reactions to unexpected situations. and here the unexpected was that we got to Chekhov in vein. and in the garden cherry we open the veins with the blade so that those liubva genre scenes scroll through them. see the times of Viñaspre Marta Ruiz whose blood this time is mine or vice versa, in this paper Liubva Andreyevna, surprised to discover that he lived contemporary Chekhovian in that time, took me more beautiful. Candidates
last year's MAX Awards (World ) Hopscotch Productions chooses intense this year with another production, Dogville prize. Another major show where actors and actresses of equal size unfold on the stage as if not aware of other worlds beyond those tables. Dogville
Humanizing drama "Chekhovian" is unavoidably face with tenderness, love and a smile, the misfortunes and vicissitudes of the characters. Not in vain Chekhov described "The Cherry Orchard " as a comedy, in an attempt to dramatize a crisis situation, both economically and emotionally. From this approach we propose a staging located in the present, with a work based on a formal update of the records involved expressive of our company.
A proposal stage in which we propose the collision between Chekhov's text (written shortly before death) and contemporary approach that characterizes the work of Rayuela.
Andreievna Liuba, just ruined landowner, returns to the family home, the "Cherry Orchard," the place where he lived as a child and now will be discarded. The loss will be built new lives of those whose destinies have always been linked to the Garden. Gone are the memories, old jobs, affects ... A world of hope and new opportunities will emerge from the misery of the crisis (Hopscotch Productions )
upload a photo slideshow Marta Vidanes (recommend full-screen view)
Starting tomorrow April 26 to April 30 its cherry trees planted this garden in one of the scenarios Circle of Fine Arts in Scene Circle (Madrid) we can again enjoy. To purchase tickets in telentrada . Do not let go.
Program The Mandrake (La 2)
Liubov Andreyevna Ranévskaia-Marta Ruiz Maribel Viñaspre
Ania-Varia-Carmen Carro
Leonid Gutiérrez Andreyevich Gaev-Carlos New
Ermolai Alexeyevich LOPAKHIN-Carlos Pinedo Carlos
Petya Trofimov, Simeon Cañas
PISHTCHIK-Xiqui Rodríguez Maribel
Charlotta Ivanovna, Semyon
Cart Panteléievich YEPIKHODOV-Carlos Cañas
DUNYASHA-Carmen Gutiérrez-Firs. Xiqui
-Carlos Rodríguez-Yasha
A passer-Pinedo Rodriguez-

last year's MAX Awards (World ) Hopscotch Productions chooses intense this year with another production, Dogville prize. Another major show where actors and actresses of equal size unfold on the stage as if not aware of other worlds beyond those tables. Dogville

A proposal stage in which we propose the collision between Chekhov's text (written shortly before death) and contemporary approach that characterizes the work of Rayuela.

upload a photo slideshow Marta Vidanes (recommend full-screen view)
Starting tomorrow April 26 to April 30 its cherry trees planted this garden in one of the scenarios Circle of Fine Arts in Scene Circle (Madrid) we can again enjoy. To purchase tickets in telentrada . Do not let go.
Program The Mandrake (La 2)
Liubov Andreyevna Ranévskaia-Marta Ruiz Maribel Viñaspre
Ania-Varia-Carmen Carro
Leonid Gutiérrez Andreyevich Gaev-Carlos New
Ermolai Alexeyevich LOPAKHIN-Carlos Pinedo Carlos
Petya Trofimov, Simeon Cañas
PISHTCHIK-Xiqui Rodríguez Maribel
Charlotta Ivanovna, Semyon
Cart Panteléievich YEPIKHODOV-Carlos Cañas
DUNYASHA-Carmen Gutiérrez-Firs. Xiqui
-Carlos Rodríguez-Yasha
A passer-Pinedo Rodriguez-
Average Price Of Starter Change
madrid from a yellow convertible
today we spent the afternoon on one of those strollers you have fantastic from madrid to street level. called GoCar tours and has been a fun experience. the sky at noon, we agreed to have this little adventure, so after put in comunciación with them and book a car in tri-color bright, we have put in place. we ate at a downtown restaurant and walked so calmly that even we did stop at a book stall where I got three titles (two of Silvina Ocampo and other Flavia Company). way back to a landscape increasingly historic temple Debod , we reached the street ferraz 34, where the offices and after checking that my age far exceeds the 21 year mandatory that you have to ride on these vehicles, have begun our journey time.
and sitting on the tiny but outgoing car, we shoe our skulls with headphones, tied our hips with a belt and put the key in the engine, everything was as simple as giving a power button. I confess that the first three meters out of the garage almost had a patatús because I was surprised, I've driven many cars, from a seat 127 to a Mercedes, passing up a giant harvester looked like a whale. I've also driven a couple of bike models (small) and my memory stops there, but anyway, after three minutes of having those controls in my hands, the memory you took carrerrilla abandon from the past and was like taking the first bike from my childhood.
we decided on the old route which included among many other Latin, high cava, santa ana, big way, opera and the royal palace and a long list to a GPS (with four languages \u200b\u200bto choose) with funny woman's voice was showing us the exact path of all those places that had to happen. this had to add the comments rated tourist monuments talking traversed. you can even decide where to stop.
has been a fun experience, to repeat, without doubt. the most fun was to discover in all nations with a grin while the rate of one of his hands and spoke to us said, pointing between his teeth what cool ....!, Japanese making pictures, funny comments from pedestrians who gave way ... Ladies groups hallucinated that something was traveling the streets of madrid ... In short, what is said, to repeat. madrid addition drivers are very friendly with the color of this car.
an important fact, or at least noteworthy. time costs 30 euros but if the driver or passenger has a blog (as in my case) and agree to write something (perhaps even more terse than this string of words) will leave the race for free. c'mon, I'm for opening another blog (is that I write a lot) and to get back on one of these strollers. in cualuqier case repeat paying those euros. good initiative. and now that the warm weather arrives further, if possible.
so, guys, I promised and here is my experience on the world. reported would have been paid if the hour drive. I have no doubt.
* photos I had no hands to photograph this is another way to enjoy the city. by the way, my congratulations to hand s. and the bump that we had to go through the third photo of the building that looks like something out of the film charlie and the chocolate factory ....

has been a fun experience, to repeat, without doubt. the most fun was to discover in all nations with a grin while the rate of one of his hands and spoke to us said, pointing between his teeth what cool ....!, Japanese making pictures, funny comments from pedestrians who gave way ... Ladies groups hallucinated that something was traveling the streets of madrid ... In short, what is said, to repeat. madrid addition drivers are very friendly with the color of this car.

so, guys, I promised and here is my experience on the world. reported would have been paid if the hour drive. I have no doubt.
* photos I had no hands to photograph this is another way to enjoy the city. by the way, my congratulations to hand s. and the bump that we had to go through the third photo of the building that looks like something out of the film charlie and the chocolate factory ....
An Example Of An Interest Letter
4 º ESO (2) piecewise functions
it counts is a function that passes through the points (x, 5) with x ÎÁ (x 'free' takes any value)
His graph is:
Second function, h (x) = x 2-6x +10
(to represent it is necessary to calculate some cordenadas of the quadratic function and calculate the vertex of the parabola) The vertex is (-b/2a, h (-b/2a)) Þ (3, h (3)) Þ \u200b\u200b (3, 1). Remember that the axis of symmetry of the parabola is x = 3. Graphically
Let graph the piecewise defined function:
rendered first three terms separately as if they were independent and then consider taking into account common subdomains .
First g (x) = 5 it counts is a function that passes through the points (x, 5) with x ÎÁ (x 'free' takes any value)
His graph is:
Second function, h (x) = x 2-6x +10
(to represent it is necessary to calculate some cordenadas of the quadratic function and calculate the vertex of the parabola) The vertex is (-b/2a, h (-b/2a)) Þ (3, h (3)) Þ \u200b\u200b (3, 1). Remember that the axis of symmetry of the parabola is x = 3. Graphically
Finally the function j (x) = 4x -15
is a related function growing and represent just get two coordinates where for the function (which is a line). Its graph is:
And finally piecewise function f (x) , based on the information view, is as follows:
piecewise function can retrieve information about their frills.
Dom f (x) = Â = (- μ, + μ )
Rec f (x) = [1, + μ )
f (x) in  continuous \\ {2}; ;
function cuts the y-axis at the point (0, 5).
is a constant function in (-μ, 2 ] is decreasing in (2, 3) and increased (3, + μ). Presents a relative minimum at x = 3.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Where Can I Find Vba Cheat List
4 º ESO (1)
A function is piecewise one that uses several algebraic expressions for its definition, using each in a particular section of the domain of definition of the main function.
A function is piecewise one that uses several algebraic expressions for its definition, using each in a particular section of the domain of definition of the main function.
This function is a parabola in the range of X axis (-inf, 2). And in the X axis range (2, + inf) is a constant function. Note that there is a discontinuity at x = 2. Then his Dom f (x) =
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Livial Side Effects 2010
a claes andersson
in war and love everything is permitted, even what is permitted in war. shows a little tenderness to which 've tortured in your love to your love. at least kiss her. kisses meat, bones kiss, kiss nails, hair and sexual organs, kiss wedding rings. lights candles next to open graves. sings. pray. loa everlasting love. write poems about reconciliation and forgiveness. lies. loa. lies. also writes poems about the lonely souls who wander abandoned. if you have anything to add, shut up.
in war and love everything is permitted, even what is permitted in war. shows a little tenderness to which 've tortured in your love to your love. at least kiss her. kisses meat, bones kiss, kiss nails, hair and sexual organs, kiss wedding rings. lights candles next to open graves. sings. pray. loa everlasting love. write poems about reconciliation and forgiveness. lies. loa. lies. also writes poems about the lonely souls who wander abandoned. if you have anything to add, shut up.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Women's Pink Life Vest
the world is an artifact
the world is about to explode. the high flower buds are about to explode. those other tall flowers that are thoughts are also about to explode. the machinery of our mills is about to explode. throat of the bird nest in our chests is about to blow apart the air blue. soprano voice that we are not about to exploit the piano on which it rests. the white winter of ideas has exploded in a world "grue? expand the gardens to accommodate the seasonal cocoon. the hearts of all animals-including myself included, are about to explode. are blind to anything to see. mute sounds are inaudible to hear anything. eardrums are about to explode soprano voice that we were not. the backs of my fingers are about to explode. the nature of bodies is about to explode. death itself is about to explode because the tombs are open to anything. and the earth opens poque the world is a bomb and has no room for the engine diameter is.
but if this blows up, "those dark swallows will return in winter, where nature is so elusive?
* this is the flower I see that I drink when I write I play physical and spiritual nourishment my body
(park-operated mills)
the world is about to explode. the high flower buds are about to explode. those other tall flowers that are thoughts are also about to explode. the machinery of our mills is about to explode. throat of the bird nest in our chests is about to blow apart the air blue. soprano voice that we are not about to exploit the piano on which it rests. the white winter of ideas has exploded in a world "grue? expand the gardens to accommodate the seasonal cocoon. the hearts of all animals-including myself included, are about to explode. are blind to anything to see. mute sounds are inaudible to hear anything. eardrums are about to explode soprano voice that we were not. the backs of my fingers are about to explode. the nature of bodies is about to explode. death itself is about to explode because the tombs are open to anything. and the earth opens poque the world is a bomb and has no room for the engine diameter is.
but if this blows up, "those dark swallows will return in winter, where nature is so elusive?

(park-operated mills)
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Windows Blue Screen Known Dll Failed
circle because for this, is the
silence a move
thanks L *
circle because for this, is the
silence a move
thanks L *
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Best Place For Acetyl L-carnitine
I leave the numbers set out the practical work 1: "Mistakes" and point the theory.
Practice No. 1
Theory of errors (Amiconi)
Monday, April 4, 2011
How Fast Does Dune Buggy Go
Saturday, April 2, 2011
How To Lower Total Billiruben
cyclicity .... herbst goodbye
all expire at once. but I like to think that is why everything that goes around comes around ... the seasons are cyclical. will fall but will soon return. the summer but neither will it take to go. the moon is not the clearest example of all cyclical? identical stages repeated over our heads again and again ...? and the same moon and satellites, does not revolve around the planet from satellites that are over and over again? trains are identical but stepping back routes or not. with the same passengers or not. who cares. only the rivers run. just go. they never return because of back bring other waters. water is not cyclical. is conducting. unidirectional. Plutarch say that we can never cross that river of Heraclitus because this is scattered and together again, and zooms in and out ... and goes and goes. life cycles. cyclicity is not a way of progress? siemrpe not repeated in any particular period? do not have many cycles with the same center? Life is not a sequence of ordered or disordered states is repeated without alteration of the bearing, Ordan or disorderly? Heraclitus
with everything flows, with everything changes, nothing stays with her. with can not bathe twice in the same river tell us that neither the river nor we are the same. the future is the beginning of everything. the fire on and off over and over again. opposites away to meet again. the tension between them creates movement and movement is so cyclical. to peace and war follows peace it again. and the movement back on itself forever. everything starts over and repeated ("eternal return"). but I tend to think that "everything" is always the same.
Fauré autumn song (poem by Baudelaire)
say goodbye to a fall I know when we return. if he returns. if I go back.
plongerons Bientôt nous dans les ténèbres froides;
Farewell, bright light of our summers are too short! I can already hear
fall with funereal
Wood resounding on the pavement of course.
All winter will return to my being: anger, hatred
, chills, horror, hard and forced
And as the sun in his hell polar
My heart will be more than a block frozen red .
I listen with a shudder each falling log
The gallows being built has no duller sound.
My mind is like a tower, which unsuccessful
Under the blows of the ram tireless and heavy.
It seems to me, rocked by the shock monotone, big
clou hate qu'on a quelque part Cercueil.
Pour qui? - C'était hier l'été, voici l'automne! Ce bruit
mystérieux sonne comme un départ.
Soon we will sink into the cold darkness
Goodbye, living clarity of our summers so short! Have you heard
fall with shocks similar timber on the floor of the courtyards.
All winter is going to enter my being: anger,
Hate, shuddering, horror, work hard and forced
And as the sun in his hell polar
My heart will be nothing but a red block and ice cream.
shaken hear each log that falls;
the gallows being built is not dull echo.
My mind is like the tower that succumbs
Under the hammer blows of the tireless and heavy.
I believe, lulled by this monotonous shock,
That hastily nailed a coffin somewhere.
Who? "Yesterday was summer, autumn here!
This mysterious noise sounds like a game.

with everything flows, with everything changes, nothing stays with her. with can not bathe twice in the same river tell us that neither the river nor we are the same. the future is the beginning of everything. the fire on and off over and over again. opposites away to meet again. the tension between them creates movement and movement is so cyclical. to peace and war follows peace it again. and the movement back on itself forever. everything starts over and repeated ("eternal return"). but I tend to think that "everything" is always the same.
Fauré autumn song (poem by Baudelaire)
say goodbye to a fall I know when we return. if he returns. if I go back.
plongerons Bientôt nous dans les ténèbres froides;
Farewell, bright light of our summers are too short! I can already hear
fall with funereal
Wood resounding on the pavement of course.
All winter will return to my being: anger, hatred
, chills, horror, hard and forced
And as the sun in his hell polar
My heart will be more than a block frozen red .
I listen with a shudder each falling log
The gallows being built has no duller sound.
My mind is like a tower, which unsuccessful
Under the blows of the ram tireless and heavy.
It seems to me, rocked by the shock monotone, big
clou hate qu'on a quelque part Cercueil.
Pour qui? - C'était hier l'été, voici l'automne! Ce bruit
mystérieux sonne comme un départ.
Soon we will sink into the cold darkness
Goodbye, living clarity of our summers so short! Have you heard
fall with shocks similar timber on the floor of the courtyards.
All winter is going to enter my being: anger,
Hate, shuddering, horror, work hard and forced
And as the sun in his hell polar
My heart will be nothing but a red block and ice cream.
shaken hear each log that falls;
the gallows being built is not dull echo.
My mind is like the tower that succumbs
Under the hammer blows of the tireless and heavy.
I believe, lulled by this monotonous shock,
That hastily nailed a coffin somewhere.
Who? "Yesterday was summer, autumn here!
This mysterious noise sounds like a game.
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