as I received it on pages I decided to read it chronologically. also went through my head done in a way incorrigibly messy, that is, disjointed years of his books, his years logical. and take what first attracted my hand with full power. and although finally the timing and the logic tend to overwhelmingly win the battle in the end I delved into the wound, sometimes poignant, sometimes beautiful event-of the seriously injured and that insurgent freedom courageous.
this woman valeric Shakespearean name and surname, encourages us to slip into the mine. to confront our innermost I . bucearnos to the cave where lies our own wound to communicate at last with other serious injuries we insist on leaving, we get to know ourselves. re-know-us to the outside world through the everyday life that is in death or desire or love so often named.
fixtures poems that force us to this insight to reach the extraversion. where the leader of a revolution aimed Valera, astonished and enraged among adults, workers, children, including middle class.
sometimes slaves of desire, and others, subjects interacting within a reality, these serious injuries bet interpersonal freedom and the metaphysical foundation of inner freedom, psychologically and philosophically.

valero just gives exaggerated importance to the routine and everyday magic of everyday life of their seriously injured ... that under the prism of my eyes, are our inner scars that we only see in front of our individual mirrors, mirrored images in this redoubt of water there in the deep cave, and move in Homeric and caving trips to the inner self outer self, which never ceases to be a you. from me to you. from me to us.

the book is divided into two parts, one north and one south. live in northern and seriously injured in the south, overcome the survivors. Table whether longuitudinalmente off back half, would have a north, the survivor freedom and south-the dead drawn under his feet (this can be seen clearly in the table).
everything has a north and south, a top and a chasm. and it is curious how the peak in X, ie serious injuries, corresponds mathematically with the chasm And who are those other serious injury of death drawn on the base. and where the gulf in X, corresponds in turn with the counter top in Y.
therefore, if we drew a line joining peak to abyss and chasm summit would form a cross, a cross like that of de la croix . looks like a gibberish but I understand. top with chasm chasm and top ... What mathematical correspondence insurgent! What rule of correspondence as necessary! Julieta
valero north and south is here. cima but also pit. is serious consideration in their revival does not leave the weapon in furtherance of the rights attached to their wounded. understanding this love, his prodigal foundling desire and death. she is also seriously injured that runs out of control, fainting like that old marathon.
to me these injuries are an irrepressible desire to communicate. communication loop. an elegy to the everyday. to the routine that is in the spoken language in any kitchen inhabited. in the house occupied by three tenants who live together in a few square meters. the house is important in the eyes valeric carrier, it is true. and like the libertdad with female figure and flag high, the Juliet of this century leads its rush from your own home. the home of her body ...
book thus far in the affective use of language with an exquisitely simple, "as it is everyday. a mathematical nude for the North equilibrate with the south.

DVD Edition (2005)
* occurs to me on the cover. Hg. mercury. a noble metal. one seriously injured. what a good choice. another map where water and silver complement each other. where the release of same happens through exposure to wind and water. but also involves serious injury, the DNA alteration. mercury. another seriously injured. another country to conquer. with its north and its south.
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