The number 'e' (Euler Number) is a very famous irrational number. The first decimal places are: 2.7182818284590452353602874713527 .....
This issue is closely linked with the exponential function, f (x) = e x . With the exponential function expressed many real life situations. For example: 1) how to reduce the number of radioactive atoms in a sample are governed by the exponential function. 2) the formula gives the price of a car based in the years since its acquisition and new is also an exponential expression. 3) The amount of carbon 14 in a living organism remains relatively constant. From the moment of death, however, is decreasing by exponential decay as a function of the form:
Q = Q-E 0
- -1238 × 10 -8 t is
thus possible, by analyzing the amount of carbon 14 found in any fossil age determination.
The number π: (Make students)
El número
(Realizar alumnos)
- El número áureo o de oro representado por la
φ (fi) letra griegaFidias ), es el número irracional : [1 is a number algebraic which has many interesting properties and was discovered in antiquity, not as unity "but as a ratio or proportion between line segments. This proportion is found in geometric figures and in the nature of elements such as shells, ribs of the leaves of some trees, thick branches, etc. It also attaches a special aesthetic character to the objects that follow the golden ratio and as an important mystical . Throughout history, it has attached importance to various works of architecture and other arts , although some of these cases have been objectionable to mathematics and archeology. also attributed a special aesthetic character to the objects that follow the golden ratio, as well as an important mystical . Throughout history, it has attached importance to various works of architecture and other arts but some of these cases have been objectionable to mathematics.
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