I decided to do a little reflection on this topic. I think it is a vitally important policy debate in these times.
First a little history, following the resignation of Miguel Primo de Rivera, Alfonso XIII attempted to restore the monarchy to Spain. The image of the corona was very weak because they had supported the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera.
The municipal elections of April 12, 1931 accounted for a large defeat for the English crown. Subsequently on 14 April that year was proclaimed the Second English Republic, setting up in a totally peaceful democracy in Spain. Later
as you know the military coup of Franco struck down the Republic, and channeled to Spain for a long dictatorship.
We come now to the crux of the matter. After Franco's death began a period of transition to democracy culminating in the establishment of a parliamentary monarchy in Spain.
Many of us still believe in Republican values \u200b\u200band we think we only get true democracy when establishing a federal republic and secular
think the crown as an anachronistic institution and totally expendable in our country. Moreover, I do not think democracy the fact that a person who is representing our country will be born in that family. Therefore I see more just a President, elected democratically by the people every so often.
normal I do not see the salary of our monarch, while most of the English suffer from the crisis in our flesh he turns up the salary, and goes to his yacht in Mallorca (and all as a citizen.)
also detest censorship imposed by the crown to the press, violating one of the most important rights from my point of view, Freedom of Expression. Finally launched
few questions for you to reflect on this:
1) Why will someday Queen Leonor of Spain? What have you done that has not made one?
2) If he in fact have a playboy king, how would solve that problem?
3) Where can we lay the English curriculum to qualify for the job?
4) Why in times of crisis the king has increased the salary?
Thank you for sharing this pasodoble k_guevara the Cadiz carnival, whose message comes as a glove to this post.
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